Leonardo da Vinci

Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art.

--Leonardo da Vinci

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall Shouts with Color

Steigerwald's Trumpet
Vastly different from my previous post's painting excursion, this week was about trying to capture the wonderful light on this year's first day of daylight savings. I once again found myself at Steigerwald Refuge in search of a composition that inspired me. Searching for the subject is a funny thing. Along my hike into the refuge i am constantly looking, taking photos and thinking. And somewhere, somehow along the way, BOOM, there it is.... There is no question, that that is the composition. I think many artists will agree that often we do not choose the subject, the subject chooses us, and this subject slapped me upside the head and screamed to be painted.
I spent the late afternoon painting the beautiful day away and enjoying the wonderful fall colors that will all too soon give way to the rigors of its sister season.
I was so moved by this composition that i am currently working on a studio version 16x20 that is beginning to take shape and i will blog about it in a future post. The great thing about studio work is i can take all the time i want and add as many layers as i want and really build up the piece with texture.
However, this piece is about plein air, immediacy, and alla prima as Steigerwald belts out a tune in a Trumpet of color.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be watching for the studio version of this...it is a gem of a painting!
